Walking Wednesdays!
Step away from the computer, hop off the couch, get out of your car—and start walking for a hump day boost!
It’s easy! You don’t have to change your clothes (shoes maybe). You can do it anywhere—around the block, in a park, throughout your neighborhood, around a parking lot, through a mall, from floor to floor in your office building, up and down the aisles of your grocery store, or even walking in place. Just get moving for at least 10 minutes today—and discover how good you’ll feel! You’re likely to return from your walk feeling more alert, energized, happier, calmer, less achy, or all of the above.

Grab your family, friends, and co-workers and invite them to join you! Walk your kids to school (even if you have to drive part of the way.) Walk to work (not practical? park 10 minutes away from your office). Walk to get lunch. Have a walking meeting. Park your car once and walk to do your errands instead of driving from store to store. Take a walk after dinner with your family. If you can walk longer than 10 minutes, go for it! Or do two, three, even four 10-minute walks throughout the day.
The goal of Walking Wednesdays is to get more Americans moving. If you can do it today, then you can do it tomorrow and the next day and the next. Take your first step or encourage someone you know to take theirs.
Happy Walking!