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Double-Duty Walk

Usually I walk to stay fit, but today I walked for transportation—to get from point A (my daughter’s school) to point B (the store).

I’m all for making a walk do double duty–a good workout and a way to get an errand done. Just about everyone can walk a mile, and according to the the League of American Bicyclists, about 30% of all trips we make are one mile or less. Unfortunately, most of those trips are made by car–and I’m just as guilty as most. Read more

Walking Wednesdays!

Step away from the computer, hop off the couch, get out of your car—and start walking for a hump day boost!

It’s easy! You don’t have to change your clothes (shoes maybe). You can do it anywhere—around the block, in a park, throughout your neighborhood, around a parking lot, through a mall, from floor to floor in your office building, up and down the aisles of your grocery store, or even walking in place. Just get moving for at least 10 minutes today—and discover how good you’ll feel! Read more